Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fence Options - Totalitarian Methods of Creating Property Boundaries

There's got to be a better way to put up a fence than the old post holes and kid-or-pork controlling wire fences I grew up with - but what?

After seeking a solution to the neighborhood problem of fencing, I retaliated. These every day, non-unique fence designs are okay for run of the mill neighborhoods where everyone complies with the same general sense of "looks-a-like" but my neighborhood isn't one of those. In fact, although there are a few boldly brilliant white picket fences around, the majority of neighbors tend to use found objects and refurbished junk as fences. Or, due to city code irregularities, the neighbors tie up a few old panels of 'something or other' to provide privacy for their activities, and listen to the neighbors and city hall squeal for a year or two before "mending their fences".

In one recent case, a family suffering from the residuals of cancer, abandoned their home for the greater requirement of health care, and the city (in their infinite wisdom) hired a local firm to clean their yard for them and bill them in accordance with some significantly well hidden rule of discrepancy - six months later. Whatever happened to neighbor helping neighbor? Couldn't someone have just cut their grass and left a note that said, "Hey, I'll be back next month to do it again. Hope things get better for you?"

But... Nah, that would be too much like caring for brother-man.

Back to fences - what about these novelties?

Bicycle frame fence reuses a throw-away and shows off a collection of classic bicycle frames. Or what about a Birdhouse Fence?

A tire fence might be interesting? Although some might think it dangerous or a health hazard, a ring of tires standing half buried around a residence and painted a variety of colors might be a fun and exciting way to preserve a property boundary. I could think of a few interesting ways to decorate a row of tires? Perhaps by bolting them together, you could get a double layer of tires for a taller fence?

If you like it county, here's a thought - boot fence? It could happen differently, but these boots have walked out their usefulness and arrived at a different stage of life. Fence post ornaments! what a way to live out your days as a boot?

Have a few athletes in your family? Dress up a great fence with athletic equipment, by hanging your favorite equipment on a privacy fence. Put up a basketball hoop and you've got a great way to entertain yourself on a summer afternoon.

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