Saturday, June 13, 2009

City Code Inspectors Harass Little Old Ladies

What is it little old ladies chatter about at church functions? Well, it probably should be their grandchildren, but that wasn't the case one recent Sunday afternoon. They chattered up a storm about the rain and how they hadn't been able to cut their yards. Each of them feared reprisal from the local code enforcement officers, because their weeds were more than eight inches high.

Was it because their neighborhoods were safe from drug dealers and the influence of drunk drivers? Not really, a drunk driver drove through one old lady's fence more than 15 feet in from the curb at a corner stop sign. It seems his vehicle missed hitting the corner of her home by less than a foot.

But... the code inspector was busy measuring her weeds, determining that the brush pile she had waiting to be picked up by her trash barrel was a community hazard and threatened her with a fine or jail term if she didn't get it picked up. Where was he when the drunk drove down the street? Perhaps, had he been there, he could have pulled the drunk driver over before he drove through the little old lady's fence?

Instead, he was across town with a friend of the little old lady, pulled to the side of the road fining her for having the light over her license plate burned out. Didn't it used to be a community service of police officers to install a new light bulb when they pulled a vehicle over for this particular problem? Isn't there still a sign on the side of their vehicle that says "To protect and to serve"?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, Jan.

    As I read the local Buzz this morning, I saw a police report that said a person was arrested for theft; the value was $3.22! I'm sure there is more to the story, but the generality is disturbing as it seems to be a growing practice.

    I see more and more "letter of the law" and less and less "intent of the law" or as you said...'replacing the little old lady's lisence plate bulb'. Gee...7 minutes work 'service and protection'.

    We were all sleeping while the supreme court changed " probable cause" to "reasonable suspicion". It's no longer a STRETCH to imagine we are all considered criminals BEFORE we are proven innocent - as opposed to - "innocent" until proven guilty", and as such - much more suseptible to 'search and seazure' than ever before.

    I'm glad I'm no longer of child-bearing years as I would NOT bring a child into this world, due to the more oppressive direction it is aimed. Maybe a harsh/negative comment, but after 50 some adult years, watching the direction of increased oppression unchanged, I believe there really is cause for concern. Where are the young folk, out there carrying signs and protesting as we did in the 60's? Are they scared...apathetic...or just to busy to notice the helm is out of control?

